sirhansumransum (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: So when do you know its truly LOVE? |
‘How about when you feel good about yourself and your world.’ A good relationship makes you feel great. It should fill in your "gaps" and make you feel whole. It should give you emotional strength and help you to feel that everything is ok - and will continue to be. ‘ You look forward to spending time together’. Far too many couples stay together out of habit. They don't really look forward to being together and try to find ways to avoid it. For example, they always try to include other friends, go to an event so that they'll have something to do, etc. ‘You respect your partner, and "talk him or her up." Is there anyone that agrees with everything someone else says or thinks? (I can tell you - nobody agrees with everything I say!) There's no reason you have to agree with everything your partner says or thinks either. However, you should RESPECT them for it - right or wrong. “You are really interested in what he or she thinksâ€Â. Along with respect, you'll find that you are interested in your partner's thoughts on different things - and you ask. You might have heard the President of your company say something and you ask your wife to get her take on it. Or, you may have come up with an idea that you want your boyfriend to think about - and you're not afraid of getting shot down. “You are aware of, but ignore their quirks.†Everyone (even YOU bunky!) has his or her little quirks. Your partner's quirks might even appear cute to you, or at least harmless. If they're getting to you, you should look more closely at your relationship in general. “Problems don't make you think about breaking up.†All relationships have problems. It's natural and healthy. However, if every time you fight you feel ready to break up, you should re-think your relationship. People that have good, solid relationships see disagreements as a chance to learn more about their lover, and to get closer. Thus, they don't fear them, but they don't create them either! “ You aren't scared about losing him or her.†Once you start investing your feelings in a relationship you risk being hurt. This isn't my rule - it's just the way it is. However, if you dwell on the possibility of being hurt, you can't really enjoy the relationship. Further, you shouldn't be concerned that your lover isn't happy. If the relationship is secure - you'll know it. “You're together "just because." Many people start dating and then coordinate their lives such that they have to be together - either for finances, kids, family, work, the dog, etc. Is there something keeping your relationship together? “You appreciate other attractive people, but aren't interested in them.†There is someone more attractive than your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. I don't care whom you're with! If your relationship is good, you still like the way other people look, but don't find it necessary to compare them to your partner. After all “You are in love.†If you don't know that you're in love, you're not. Love is very difficult to explain, but one of the best explanations I can give you is this: "Love is when you are more concerned with the well being, safety and happiness of someone else than your own.
For all the love that is squandered, I will be there to pick up the peaces. |
Joined: October 1, 2009
Posts: 277
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this makes sense, although I would add you love their quirk. I agree with this, because that is how I felt with someone.
And I have been as a teen thinking about this same subject I even wrote a few poems about how I saw the right person:
Songs from the singers sung
Truth for us is that our passion for one another,
Within our mind the concept of soul mates existence created.
As if our souls are incomplete without this other.
As if we go through life incomplete, looking for completion:
What if our souls were complete,
And love isn’t halves of a broken heart reässemble.
But lost souls finding someone to resonate with.
Songs to the empty existence, to brighten up the void:
Songs made within their souls embracing,
To the void from each couple symphonies resonate.
and the other one that is based off of this and for that person
Red Passions
O Yuli, together our souls sing red to the universe
Red like the Passion between us
Red like the hot fires of our love
When we embrace our souls connect
When we connect our souls sings loudly
When we sing loudly our souls are blissful
The world fades away, and all I see is you
We stay coupled, and resonating our song
Red passion
Das Leben auf Erden ist ein gemeiner Krieg; wir spielen; wir Kämpfen; wir setzen alles auf Sieg; Hurra - wir leben noch; Wer hätte das gedacht... |